Cocaine and Heroine Crimes

Cocaine and Heroine Crimes

It is illegal to possess any amount of cocaine or heroin in Illinois. The penalties for possession of cocaine and heroin are essentially the same and depend upon the amount of drug. The possible penalties for cocaine, heroin, fentanyl or morphine possession are:

Possession of a controlled substance or PCS:

Less than 15 grams; class 4, probation or 1 to 3 years;
15 to 100 grams; class 1, 4 to 15 years;
100 to 400 grams; class 1, 6 to 30 years;
400 to 900 grams, class 1, 8 to 40 years;
900 or more grams; class 1, 10 to 50 years.

Possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute or PCS with intent:

Less than 1 gram; class 2, probation or 3 to 7 years;
1 to 15 grams; class 1, probation or 4 to 15 years;
15 to 100 grams; class x, 6 to 30 years;
100 to 400 grams; class x, 9 to 40 years;
400 to 900 grams; class x, 12 to 50 years;
900 or more grams; class x, 15 to 60 years.

These minimums can be increase if the offense occurred within 1000 feet of a school or church or if armed with a firearm.